Author Archives: Hugh Bryant


Facts on FAITH:


The initial step of faith – Biblical faith – must, of necessity, be a communication. It is always a ‘revelation’. While the written ‘Word’ of God is declarative, definitive and eternal it does not embed itself into our belief system absent His Holy Spirit revealing His Word as truth to our spirit. Our reception of this ‘revelation’ from God manifests itself first in grabbing our attention.

It is at this point we must realize faith’s most basic elements: ONE – our FOCUS;

TWO – the OBJECT of our focus; and

THREE – the obedient EXPRESSION of our faith.

The reality of faith is that we feed our belief system by this exercise we recognize as ‘focus’. But we must consider the source of the ‘pollution’ in our belief system. We can find a huge hint in Paul’s letter to the Roman Church: 12:1-2 from the Classic Amplified Version of the Bible:

I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].”

You will notice Paul makes an appeal to the Church in Rome to make of themselves a sacrifice of their lives and that he considers such an offering to be wholly reasonable. He also considers this lifestyle to be the epitome of ‘intelligent worship’. And for this sacrificial lifestyle to commence and be maintained it is absolutely necessary to allow God’s Word to be confrontational with our belief system. There must occur a ‘renewing of the mind’ for this to be an ongoing reality in our lives.

Consider all the influences that has converged into the development of the things you believe – as well as the things you and I profess to believe. And if you wish to assess what you truly believe against what you profess to believe begin to observe how you react to the varied stimuli encountered in life. Go back in your memory and recall your reaction when someone close to you betrayed you. Allow the emotions of being on the receiving end of ridicule or shame at the hands of someone you trusted – or someone whose authority you had to recognize. You may easily subscribe to Jesus’ teaching about turning the other cheek until it is your turn to be slapped. We might easily subscribe to the exhortation and invitation of the prophet Malachi to ‘prove Me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts….’ when our earnings were only $100.00 and all we needed to ‘prove Him’ with was $10.00. But when the windfall comes and that 10% amounts to thousands of dollars it becomes a test of faith. What we DO in such times exposes our belief system. What we do, how we react, our immediate responses are those things that we really believe is the right course of action. In times of our failure, we may well ask ourselves ‘WHAT HAPPENED?!?!’

This is a great place to start using our powers of observation to consider those reactions to the people, the attitudes and aptitudes brought into our focus. Here is the truth about faith: THE OBJECT of our focus will result in where we place our faith. If we focused on an offense and grit our teeth and do the very best we can to get through that offensive period of life, then gritting our teeth and doing our very best becomes our default response to similar situations that occur. Our determination and perseverance become our coping mechanisms. IF ON THE OTHER HAND we find ourselves in a really tight spot and in fear and trembling cast our cares on God and depend on HIM and HIS resources to come to our aid AND to be developed in us to persevere in our trust in Him to manifest in victory we shall have RENEWED our mind from old ways of ‘coping’ with life’s challenges. What makes the difference? The difference is we discipline our attention to tend to God’s Word. When we do, we will have replaced our faith in objects that fail us to the ultimate object WHO never fails us.

There is one more life function we must monitor so that we may diagnose the validity of our progress – the reality of renewal. Listen to what you SAY about what challenges you and your well-being. Does your speech align with what you are hearing the Word of God say? Does it expose your/my attention on HIM and HIS WORD or is it exposing an old, corrupt belief that needs renewing? In just short order we will begin to hear what our mind wants to speak and if we have been attentive to God’s Word, we will overrule any corrupt beliefs and communications we receive from our ‘flesh’ or ‘the world’ or ‘the devil’.  FOCUS on His Word and His indwelling presence.  That will lead us to faith that sustains us.


Corruption? So, what’s new?!?!




Corruption within a judicial system creates a national crisis in Israel:

I Samuel 8: “When Samuel was old, he made his sons judges over Israel.  Now the name of his firstborn was Joel and the name of his second, Abijah. They were judges in Beersheba.  His sons did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.”

These successor judges were ‘for sale’ creating distrust

 and dissatisfaction in God’s system of governance.

4 “All the elders of Israel assembled and came to Samuel at Ramah And said to him, Behold, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint us a king to rule over us like all the other nations.  But it displeased Samuel when they said, Give us a king to govern us. And Samuel prayed to the Lord.”

Israel’s elders ‘lusted’ after systems set up by other nations:

Trusting human wisdom to cure corruption –

a cure that was sorely needed for this corruption

 but NOT to cure God’s ‘system’ but to replace it:

7 “And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken to the voice of the people in all they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not be King over them.  According to all the works which they have done since I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking Me and serving other gods, so they also do to you.  So listen now to their voice; only solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them.

10 So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who asked of him a king.”

The closest thing the Israelites had to a ‘tax’ in Samuel’s day was the tithe given to God

And  God would (did) in return protect their prosperity, their nation’s security

 and provide judges to settle disputes between

 its citizens and deal with criminal activity. 

Samuel was to warn these elders what it would cost them to establish a government by a king.  Count Samuel’s declarations that begin with ‘he will take’:

11 “And he said, These will be the ways of the king who shall reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots.

12 He will appoint them for himself to be commanders over thousands and over fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest and to make his implements of war and equipment for his chariots.  13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.  14 He will take your fields, your vineyards, and your olive orchards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants.  15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants.  16 He will take your men and women servants and the best of your cattle and your donkeys and put them to his work.  17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves shall be his slaves.  18 In that day you will cry out because of your king you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not hear you then.”  (NOTE:  I count seven times Samuel tells them “he will take” and one instance where he explicitly tells them “he will appoint” indicating their sons will be used for the purposes of the king and not for the purposes of God and family.

It is as though the people checked all the boxes

 in a king’s ‘terms of agreement’ and God

 answered their request (prayer) for a king!

  Upon the people having made their choice Samuel’s  last word to them was “GO HOME”. 

19 “Nevertheless, the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel, and they said, No! We will have a king over us, 20 That we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may govern us and go out before us and fight our battles.

21 Samuel heard all the people’s words and repeated them in the Lord’s ears.  22 And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken to their voice and appoint them a king. And Samuel said to the men of Israel, Go every man to his city.”

            Be ye democrat or republican, corruption will NOT be ‘cured’ by any election – although elections do have consequences.  A great deal of graft in the judicial system was rooted out by the numerous appointments made under the last republican president.  And just because the people (of both Israel AND the USA) got what they wanted they did NOT rid themselves of God speaking to them by His prophets.  IN FACT, it was Samuel who anointed BOTH Saul AND David to be king over Israel.  God kept His stamp of sovereignty over the nation.  But the nation of Israel entered into the judgment via the system of seed, plant harvest and when they sowed unrighteousness, they reaped an unrighteous ruler (king).

             Saul was God’s pick to be the first king.  Saul was the first king to forfeit his anointing causing God to instruct Samuel to anoint David as king – as Saul’s replacement.  So, the final issue is God’s anointing resting on HIS choice for king – MORE than sitting on the royal throne.

 Saul was replaced because he thought his ideas were better than God’s instruction.  David fell into sin with Bathsheba.  David committed adultery with her and had her husband, Uriah, killed.  What was Uriah’s crime?  He did not sleep in his own house when given leave so that the baby carried by Bathsheba could be perceived as Uriah’s.  David’s crime and attempted cover-up was inexcusable (not unforgivable). 

Here is the difference maker between Saul and David: Saul disobeyed a direct order given him by the prophet, Samuel, who spoke on behalf of God.  Saul’s disobedience was the direct cause of God removing from him his position as king.  From that moment the ‘anointing’ left him and from the moment of Samuel’s anointing of David the mantle of being king was on David.  It would take years for the transition to manifest but the reality of where the anointing existed is, with hindsight, unmistakable.  David sinned the sin of adultery.  David would be the first of Israel’s kings to commit adultery, but many would follow.  A prophet confronted both kings.  A prophet spoke judgment on the sins of both kings.  The judgment on David is seen in the harvest that came to him through the seed he had sown.  But here is the difference: Saul was deposed while David was restored.  Why?  Repentance.  Saul admitted his failure but sought Samuel’s blessing anyway.  David admitted his failure and put himself, his kingdom and his life in God’s hands repenting of what he had done.

In the system of government in the USA we decry the lack of virtue in the candidates brought before us.  The CHURCH has shown her tendency for ‘manners’ and has given little regard to being sensitive to God’s ‘anointing’.  There are several contributing factors in that reality.  Probably the first factor is our misunderstanding of the term ‘anointing’.  I’m not sure I have a real firm grasp on the matter, but I AM sure the term has suffered so much misuse as to mean just about whatever the person using the word has in mind when he/she speaks it.  Here are some solid, bottom-line facts regarding the biblical term ‘anointing’ by which we may measure our own use of the word:

1)         Anyone ‘anointed’ by God involves the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in                           whatever direction He purposed for them;

  1. A) As in prophets anointing men to function in governing (kings);
  2. B) As in God ‘anointing’ men to function in service to Him and the people                                        (Priests, craftsmen, advisors);
  3. C) As in – ready for this one? – killing people!

2)         ALL – as in EVERY – as in WITHOUT EXCEPTION – ‘anointing’ is born of a                   WORD uttered by God!

  1. A) We have the written Word which is the ‘logos’ expression of God                                    revealing both His person and His intentions/will/direction/desires.
  2. B) The Holy Spirit often takes His inspired written Word and makes it                             personal (through revelation) as a rhema Word which is God’s DIRECT                                communication from Him personally to me – or you.

                        (Note: At the point of receiving God’s rhema Word the recipient is                                       THEN under the anointing of God Who, by His Holy Spirit, comes on us                                or in us to perform His Word.  We do not WALK in the anointing until                                        we trust His Word to us and step out in obedience to the                                anointing on us.

3)                                Possibly the most fallacious assumption regarding being ‘anointed’ is the                          matter of QUALIFICATION(S):

  1. A) God’s choice is His exclusive ‘qualifier’;
  2. God ‘chose’ (anointed) Gideon who thought he was not qualified;
  3. God ‘chose’ (anointed) Moses who thought he was not qualified;
  4. God ‘chose’ (anointed) Saul of Tarsus who thought he was the chief of sinners;
  5. B) God USES His anointed and ‘develops’ character in them as part of the anointing ‘process’:                                     
  6. God ‘developed’ the character of Moses and all the others mentioned previously;
  7. Some of His ‘anointed’ failed during the ‘process’ of their development and His anointing was THEN removed;
  8. None of His anointed were immune from following the influence  of their ‘flesh’;
  9. C) Being ‘anointed’ by God is HIS action for HIS purposes and for HIS benefit;
  10. Our benefit is directly related to walking in HIS anointing;
  11. No anointing comes without responsibility and no responsibility comes without the authority to meet our responsibilities;
  12. HIS anointing requires us to steward (manage) it.
  13. God’s purpose for any ‘anointing’ serves the purposes of His  judgment.


            While it can be construed a person filled with the Holy Spirit of God will be a ‘polite’ person, politeness is not listed in Galatians 5 as one of the facets of the ‘fruit of the Spirit’.  Gentleness, meekness, self-control may imply a pleasant demeanor as is our traditional perspective of the mannerisms of Jesus.  But we tend to forget instances of His bluntness – even of violence.  Just because I am commanded to love the unlovable, I still am compelled to call out injustices against other ‘men’ or society as a whole.  Just because one may be offended by the truth does not excuse us from warning them of a coming harvest (commonly referred to as ‘consequences’). 

            Jesus bluntly told His disciples and those following Him He did not come to bring peace but division.  Here is where He is quoted by Luke (12:49-51): 49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?  50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!  51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:”  Jesus did not fear the consequences of having offended someone by speaking the truth (in love) to them and/or over them. 

            People receive ‘truth’ in a variety of ways.  Truth may result in facing up to deficiencies and result in a rebuke.  I’m quite sure you find it as distasteful as I to receive a rebuke.  But all of us are responsible TO someone even as all of us are responsible FOR someone.  In those cases where we are responsible FOR someone it is imperative we rebuke them when necessary.  Show me a parent that cannot bring themselves to rebuke a child’s bad behavior and I will show you a parent derelict in their duty to that child.  But if we rebuke someone FOR whom we are responsible without love, redemption and reconciliation as our goal, we fail as miserably as if we did nothing at all.  Love without truth is not love.  Truth without love is not truth. Love DEMANDS redemption be deeply embedded connected with ‘accountability’

            The children of Israel suffered in Egypt at the hands of governing forces that put them to slavery because the Israelites posed a threat to the Egyptian government.  God heard their prayers of complaint.  God granted them freedom bringing them out of Egypt with a strong and decisive hand of force.

            Because of the Israelites’ fear of the giants in the land of Canaan they shrank from trusting God to act with the same force He used to ‘bring them out’ to ‘bring them in’ to the land of promise.  The result was God’s ‘rebuke’ of their unbelief leading them around in ‘the wilderness’ for forty years.  During that period of time the millions of Israelites spoke out against Moses and God in a manner God describes as ‘murmuring’.  This brings us to question where the line is between ‘complaining’ and ‘murmuring’.  Glad you asked:

            COMPLAINING – This is permitted, maybe even encouraged, when there is a faith and a prayer associated with the ‘complaint’ that God will step in and intervene with relief of some sort.

            MURMURING – This is a serious matter where God’s leadership is held suspect.  The Israelites aimed their ‘suspicions’ toward Moses: “Did you bring us out into this desert to kill us?”  “Take us back to Egypt.  At least there we had full shelves at the grocery store.”  “Hey Moses!  Who do you think YOU are?  We can hear God just as well as you!!!”  (It should be noted when God chose to speak – I mean to manifestly show up and actually speak – the reaction of the people was to tell Moses “You go, hear what He has to say and come back and tell us.  We’re too afraid to hear Him directly.”

            Of course, we can complain and murmur all at the same time but when our complaints are directed AT God and not submitted to Him so we can be cared for by Him we cross a fine line.  In our day when the Holy Spirit indwells every believer it is more important than ever to pay close attention to Holy Spirit direction(s).  When we are met with disapproval check in with the Holy Spirit to determine if that is 1) a rebuke from Him, 2) push back from His enemy trying to discourage us or 3) a strong call to pray redemption/revelation/understanding for the source of the expression of disapproval.

            There is one sure thing we need to guard against.  That is do not confuse satan’s activity coming against us with the person who seems to be offended by us.  It is inevitable that people convicted of sin, righteousness and judgment by the Holy Spirit will go through a period of resistance – even pushing back against it.  If we are a part of the process by which that conviction was transmitted there is a good likelihood the push back will be directed toward us or toward our ‘community’.

            That brings me back to the current political climate. Our current president and his spokesperson have labeled a little over one-half the populace of the United States as ‘Semi-Fascists’.  When a reporter asked the president what that term means the response was “You know what it means.”  And his official spokesperson clarified it by saying it included all those who they had described earlier as ‘maga-republicans’.  That terminology is directed to any and all people who oppose their policies.   This includes Christians who strongly express their godly values.  Now, fellow Christian, what are our options for a response: 1) Ignore the statement and the fact it is setting the stage for governmental policy and actions; 2) Get mad; 3) Get even or 4) in the event our initial choice was 2 or 3, to FORGIVE the offense or, finally: 5) REFUSE TO BE OFFENDED and trust God to resolve the matter by whatever means He finds necessary.

            We need to be aware of one simple fact: WE are NOT secure within our own resources.  When we come to the need to fight a battle to secure our life of faith we are NOT without resources.  We are NOT without adequate tools (weapons).  We are thoroughly furnished with whatever we need to secure victory at every turn.  We even win if ‘they’ kill us.  Yet, when we meet any crisis in our own natural strength(s) every victory thus achieved will be a resounding defeat.  The truths of victory and victorious living are walked out in the life of David, son of Jesse.  Lessons of defeat are walked out in the life of Saul.  Both men were ‘anointed’ of God through Samuel.  Only David walked in his ‘anointing’.

            Every king had the ‘logos’ of God available to them.  The ‘scrolls’ were accessed through Temple Worship.  They could know the broad, overall revelation of God to them and mankind.  A ‘rhema’ word, however, was necessary to a king’s administration.  In order to get a personal ‘rhema’ word from God the kings regularly consulted a prophet – or prophets.  Some prophets prostituted their office by shading ‘the Word of the Lord’ to something the king would want to hear.  Saul feared Samuel and knew there would be dire consequences should he raise his hand against Samuel.  Later in the life of David the prophet Nathan would expose the sinfulness of David’s behavior.  To David’s credit, he received Nathan’s word as ‘the Word of the Lord’ and David repented. 

            Let’s bring this message in for a landing – get it ‘down to earth – where we live’.  You will remember the beginning of this saga was where God answered ‘the people’s’ prayer – a prayer (petition) that went against His will.  Remember?  God had to tell Samuel HE (God) was the object of the rejection of the people.  God instructed Samuel, the prophet, to HEAR the people and HEED the people.  Their complaint was the people anointed of God had become ‘corrupt’ and self-serving.  The solution they prayed for was to scrap God’s plan for their governance in favor of systems observed in other nations.  God granted them their ‘systems’ but without relinquishing His hand in the affairs of their government.  God still insisted those at the head of their government be ‘anointed’. 

            Forasmuch as this grand experiment of our ‘Constitutional Republic’ seems to be a vast improvement over the systems of governance in other countries it is not beyond being corrupted.  For the same reasons as Israel’s system of being governed by Judges became corrupt our system of government has been severely corrupted.  I have said in other forums that the saying “Hate the sin, love the sinner” is not a workable approach within any relationship. We need to hate the sin (being intolerant of sin) and be merciful (as opposed to tolerant) of the sinner.  All sin we or anyone commits is the result of being taken captive by a seductive alternative to truth (a lie).  Within our societal influence we need to be intolerant of sinful behavior while extending love and mercy to those who embrace it.  Never in my lifetime has the following passage of scripture been more appropriate nor more important:

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;” (Ephesians 6:10-14 Classic Amplified) and

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”

(II Corinthians 10:4-6 KJV) 

Physical violence may well be warranted when defending self or others from physical harm.  But OUR WARFARE is SPIRITUAL and NOT PHYSICAL.  It may well be we are under threat by and from ‘people’ who oppose us or object to us for some reason.  But when people object to righteous people OR when their objections lack any element of redemption or reconciliation, it is a clear indication of demonic influence.  I’m not saying such people are demonized NOR am I denying that as a possibility.  I simply assert dealing with the person is not dealing with the source of the attack on us. 

            Warfare, on any level, is dangerous when engaged by the undisciplined.  Soldiers are trained to develop skill in the use of deadly force.  They are (or should be) trained just as vigorously in discerning when such force is appropriate and necessary.  It is the same in spiritual combat as well as physical combat.  Such skill is developed in us by the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit does not interact with us on the level of our soul.  He utilizes His unique connection with our human spirit. 

            This matter of our being a spirit is brought up by Jesus on many occasions.  We stay in close touch with our physical bodies.  Our spirit man is easy to overlook or dismiss.  Our spirit does not go into the same panic as our body when we encounter situations where the oxygen level around us is limited.  While it is common for us to get hungry about mealtime that hunger is different than what we experience when we are deprived of food for days.  Our spirit may register some level of concern – or panic – when similarly distressed but we do not benefit, spiritually, from the same nervous system sending distress signals to our head.  In order to read the needs of our spirit and tend to those needs the Word of God is an absolute necessity.  His Word, as written, is expressed to our spirit by His Holy Spirit.  A general word is one where the Holy Spirit brings revelation to our human spirit and our soul (mind, will and emotion) receive the revelation from our spirit.  There are no exceptions to this process.  It can happen even when we don’t understand what is going on.  The more we experience these spiritual activities in us the more aware we become of our spirit.  We begin to be aware we are as much ‘spirit’ as we are ‘physical’.  When that happens the reality of God and His presence are more accessible.

             Anyone who fishes regularly becomes acquainted with where the fish are likely to be, when and why they are likely to feed (bite) and how to find their new locality should they move.  Familiarity through experience trains us to detect God’s voice, tune to Him and then that established written revelation of Himself to us becomes His spoken directive to us.  And, I might add, apart from a Word from God to direct and guide us in a specific direction or manner anointing does not exist.  Walking in that anointing will put boundaries of restraint around us, keeping us from going down destructive paths.  It will, then, be obvious when the source of our problem is demonic or is it something in us drawing us to accommodate our own appetite.  Usually it is a bit of both.

            Finally (you thought I’d never get here) we need to live by the rule of refusing to be offended by anything or anyone.  We need to understand we are not now nor are we ever to become victims.  The challenges coming to the Church of our day – at least in America – are greater, more dangerous and harmful than at any time in our history.  When we see the treatment of Christians in countries having already arrived at the trajectory our own country is following (like Canada) we see intolerance at an atrocious level.  How do we meet such dreadful circumstances and NOT fall victim to them?  We simply do not ‘permit’ the circumstances to alter our faith in God – no matter what – to right all wrong through HIS process of dealing with the sin(s) of the world.

            I can assure everyone God gives grace for endurance.  The greater test to our faith is being at ease.  We are not called to masochism (finding a perverse sort of pleasure from pain) but neither are we called to live life pain-free.  We deal with pain by rejecting pain’s objective.  Pain is meant, by satan, to ROB us or KILL us or DESTROY us.  Actually the enemy’s purpose is to progressively achieve all three, thereby eliminating us from any influence contrary to his evil influence.



The ugly truth about:

This matter of ‘dominion’ is a gift from God perverted by original sin (the fall of man).

We must appreciate what was given ‘man’ before we can become horrified about its’ perversion. We must understand there can be no ‘dominion’ absent a clearly definable ‘domain’. Having researched thousands of chains of title in courthouses in dozens of counties in at least thirteen states there is one common thread: THE BEGINNING – that first PATENT or LAND GRANT from which the title must flow. Where there is a clear break in the chain of title the next rule of clear ownership is established by years (usually a minimum of 25 years) of OPEN and NOTORIOUS possession. Those are the usual methods of establishing ‘clear title’.
Here is the original ‘grant’ establishing the boundaries of the domain given the original human, Adam. (He and Eve are like Cher – no last name needed). We have to look in Holy History (book of beginnings – Genesis) to find it.
Genesis 1:26-30
“26 God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.
28 And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.
29 And God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30 And to all the animals on the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the ground—to everything in which there is the breath of life—I have given every green plant for food. And it was so.”
Dominion was God’s idea. Man was God’s idea. The EARTH was God’s idea. But satan had ideas of his own. Being jealous of man satan wanted that position of being ‘like God’ and is on record as having said as much. It was in the heart of satan to lure man into giving him this dominion and he successfully achieved that goal – partly. Through deceit and manipulation they (Adam and Eve) disregarded God’s warning and thought they could eat of that fateful fruit and not die. Yet, they died. Because of their choice everything in their domain experienced death as well. It is at this point I wish to state a truth you may or may not have seen before.
The domain is still here – although deterioration, death and destruction takes its’ toll. This domain is also subject to man but man is under the domination of a system of deceit and manipulation – still. The Biblical term for this system is ‘the world’ and to give it the clearest definition I term it to be ‘the world system under the influence of satan’.
Dominion is a fact! The issue is the source of the primary influencer:
God or His (and our) enemy, satan.
To charge the ‘Church’ as having a ‘Dominionistic’ agenda is ludicrous. If the Church has the Son of God – Jesus – as the HEAD of the Church and the Holy Spirit indwelling her both individually and collectively, we have no choice but to plead guilty of such a charge. So the Church, for some reason, prefers to be silent in this regard because it is not politically correct to be dominionistic in our approach. I want to be clear about this: IF an issue is God’s issue and because of that God is rejected we must stand with God in that rejection – even persecution. WHY, then, are we the Church intimidated by these charges? Again, we have been and we are deceived and do not trust the truth of God. We need to be ashamed.
‘Wolves in sheep’s clothing’ have taken advantage of our politeness and we have allowed lies and deceit to silence us in too many areas of His Word. What is worse than that is we have ‘sheep dressing in wolves’ clothing’ in order to fit in and not offend anyone. I have arrived at the place of proclaiming truth without regard of offense to anyone. I am barred by God’s Holy Spirit to abuse the truth by using it to purposefully offend individuals or groups but my desire to gain their confidence must never yield to hiding what amounts to ‘inconvenient’ truth.
There is an UNWRITTEN rule (meaning it is not in our constitution) that religion shall not interfere with the political. That rule may have served a good purpose when it was understood we shall not have a government sponsored ‘religion’ but it fails miserably at the point of condemning God and barring Him and His influence from having any role in government. I have just one point to make here. Dominion was GIVEN to Adam. God did not give Adam OWNERSHIP! God remains as owner (LORD) and Adam is still accountable to GOD for his stewardship of his domain. We WORSHIP God – not the domain. We WORSHIP God – not ‘dominionism’.
Man IS exercising dominion. Why do we think dominion is legally exercised exclusively by the ungodly? I’ll just leave that right there!


Isaiah 57 Complete Jewish Vershion

Isaiah 57 (complete Jewish translation)  NOTE:  This reads like it was written for today August 2, 2022.  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you HIS lens for seeinbg what is written here!

 The righteous person perishes,
and nobody gives it a thought.
Godly men are taken away,
and no one understands
that the righteous person is taken away
from the evil yet to come.
Yes, those who live uprightly
will have peace as they rest on their couches.

“But you, you witches’ children, come here,
you spawn of adulterers and whores!
Whom are you making fun of?
At whom are you laughing and sticking out your tongue?
Aren’t you rebellious children,
just a brood of liars?
You go into heat among the oak trees,
under every spreading tree.
You kill the children in the valleys
under the cracks in the rocks.
Your place is among the smooth stones in the vadi;
these, these are what you deserve;
you pour out drink offerings to them,
you offer grain offerings to them.
Should I calmly ignore these things?
You set up your bed on a high, lofty mountain;
you also went up there to offer sacrifices.
Behind door and doorpost
you set up your [lewd] memorial;
then, far from me, you uncovered your bed,
climbed up on it and opened it wide,
made an agreement with some of them,
whose bed you loved when you saw their hand beckoning.
You went to the king with scented oil;
you added to your perfumes;
you sent your envoys far away,
even down to Sh’ol.
10 Though worn out by so much travel,
you did not say, ‘All hope is gone’;
rather, finding your strength renewed,
you did not grow weak.
11 Of whom have you been so afraid,
so fearful that you lied?
But me you don’t remember,
you don’t give me a thought!
I have held my peace so long
that you no longer fear me.
12 I will expose your [so-called] ‘righteousness’;
and what you have done won’t help you.
13 When you cry, will those [idols] you gathered rescue you?
The wind will carry them all away,
a puff of air will take them off.
But whoever takes refuge in me will possess
the land and inherit my holy mountain.”

14 Then he will say,

“Keep building! Keep building! Clear the way!
Remove everything blocking my people’s path!”
15 For thus says the High, Exalted One
who lives forever, whose name is Holy:
“I live in the high and holy place
but also with the broken and humble,
in order to revive the spirit of the humble
and revive the hearts of the broken ones.
16 For I will not fight them forever
or always nurse my anger;
otherwise their spirits would faint before me,
the creatures I myself have made.
17 It was because of their flagrant greed
that I was angry and struck them;
I hid myself and was angry,
but they continued on their own rebellious way.
18 I have seen their ways, and I will heal them;
I will lead them and give comfort
to them and to those who mourn for them —
19 I will create the right words:
Shalom shalom to those far off
and to those nearby!’ says Adonai;
‘I will heal them!’”

20 But the wicked are like the restless sea —
unable to be still,
its waters toss up mud and dirt.
21 There is no shalom, says my God,
for the wicked.


But He ain’t here yet

Jesus is coming:

How ‘soon’ is soon?


I have been a believer in Christ (a Christian) since 1950.  I got very serious about becoming a FOLLOWER of Christ about eleven years later.  I would estimate I have attended more than 9,000 Church services in that time and have viewed or listened to approximately 5,000 more sermons.  I tell you that so you will know I admit to being fully and completely indoctrinated in my faith.  I also am not the least bit apologetic for that or for having spent countless hours reading scripture and books about scripture.  There is one theme that re-occurs over and over again and that is preachers, leaders, teachers and just plain believers recounting close encounters with God’s Holy Spirit and being given this message from for any who will listen: “Tell them I am coming soon.”  Now, just about any believer who has been around the Bible and Bible teachers knows better than to claim they’ve been given a date.  Even Jesus, when asked about the timing of the restoration of ‘the kingdom’ answered by telling His disciples He had yet to hear from His Father on that matter.  I really don’t think He used that as an excuse to get them to stop bothering them about peripheral issues.

Every time we hear that message there lurks somewhere in us the thought of’ ‘I keep hearing that but He ain’t here yet!’  But then that was common with Jesus’ ministry.  Often He did not show up when convenient or expected.  The four gospel accounts of His years with us physically chronicle numerous occasions when He seemed to delay getting where He was needed.  I’ll take you through a few of those:

The first that comes to mind is related to us by the Apostle, John, in his gospel account in chapter five.  Jesus is in the vicinity of the pool of Bethsaida, and He fixated on a fellow laying there wanting to be helped into the water when the healing angel troubled the waters.  This would not have been the first time Jesus would have been in this area nor would it have been His first opportunity to engage with this beggarly cripple.  And, when Jesus DOES open a conversation with him, John tells us Jesus’ opening line in this dialogue was to question if the man wanted to be made well.  If you’re familiar with the story the man does not answer the question as it was asked.  He goes into an explanation that he has been unsuccessful in employing anyone to get him to the water at the appropriate time.  Perhaps this man has heard of Jesus – perhaps he is familiar with Jesus’ reputation as a healer but his problem with that is ‘He ain’t here yet’.  The story concludes with Jesus simply telling the man to get up and walk away.  And, the man does just that.

At this point a big stink is raised over Jesus’ timing.  He was NOT supposed to show up – for work – on this particular day.  It was everyone’s day off.  So (my take on the story) the religious leaders became ‘calendar police’ and saw this guy they recognized as that beggar down by the pool walking – which is permitted to a certain extent – and CARRYING HIS BEDDING for heaven’s sake.  I get the idea it went something like this:

Calendar Police (CP):  Hey buddy.  Stop right there.  Show me your calendar.

Healed Guy (HG):  Wut?  I don’t carry a calendar.

CP:  That explains why you’re CARRYING what is forbidden to be CARRIED on THIS day, which is the Sabbath.  You have heard of the Sabbath, right?  And before you answer, no matter what you say we’re going to hold it against you – understand?

HG:  Look, I’m just following orders here.  I recognize you because you walked by me regularly while I was laying near the pool hoping for someone to help me into the water when it is troubled. You see, when the waters are troubled (and at this point they stop him and tell him:

CP:  Yeah, we know who you are, why you were where you were and all that.  STILL, you are CARRYING on the day you are commanded by God to REFRAIN from carrying.  And YOU say you’re following orders?  WHOSE ORDERS?

HG:  That guy over there finally showed up but instead of tossing me in the waters He TOLD me to get up, pick up this bedding and WALK.  Somehow His words carried such authority I JUST DID IT, like there really was no alternative.  Bottom line, guys: I CAN so I DO because I’M TOLD.

Now the CP have bigger fish to fry.  They rush over to Jesus and demand to see HIS calendar.  His reply was astounding.  He told them that He KNOWS the Sabbath.  His Father started the whole ‘everybody have a day of rest’ movement.  BUT He told them: My Father worketh hitherto (Jesus suddenly speaks King James English) and I work.  I keep my eyes on Him so whatever He does, no matter what day it is, I SHOW UP AND DO THAT.  I also keep my ear out for any Word He utters and when I SPEAK, I limit that to ONLY what I’ve heard Him speak and is appropriate for the occasion.  AND, by the way, you should take careful note of ANYTHING I SAY and hold it against me – or hold me to it!

Now, here are a couple more instances and, perhaps, a bit more graphic regarding ‘He ain’t here yet’.  This important fellow named Jairus was frantically seeking Jesus because of Jesus’ reputation as a healer.  His daughter caught Covid or something and her symptoms were such the ‘physicians’ held out no hope for her.  Upon finding Jesus there is this crowd around Him and the plea to come heal this very sick girl.  Granting his plea for a healing touch from Jesus, they begin the trek to Jairus house – at the speed of multitude.  The scene painted by the gospel writers is chaotic.  Nothing happens in ‘multitude’ in an organized fashion, especially travel.  While they are making their way, some woman with an incurable disease also has set out to engage Jesus’ services as healer.  She had made up her mind she WOULD BE HEALED.  She fully believed even a touch on a hem on Jesus’ clothing would affect her healing.  She found Him.  She touched his clothes.  She was healed – right then, right there and she knew it AND Jesus knew it.  He also knew for her to keep what she had received, she needed to declare it.  He stopped.  The multitude stopped.  Once again, He asked what appeared to be a silly question.  With a large crowd all around Him, He demanded to know “WHO TOUCHED ME?”  He was immediately made aware (as if He did not know it already) there were MANY touching Him, but HE declared a touch that transmitted ‘virtue’ went from Him, the touchee, to the other, the touchor.  Finally, the lady confesses the miracle that had occurred in her body.

Before Jesus can re-start the multitude in progressing toward Jairus’ house to fulfill his request for his daughter, someone from the house rushes up to Jairus.  They convey to Jairus they had a ‘He ain’t here yet’ moment because the girl died while Jesus was tending to other matters.  Now, anyone familiar with this story knows Jesus dismissed this news and proceeded to Jairus’ house where there would be no healing.  There would be the restorative miracle of her resurrection. Upon Jesus did arrival the first thing He did was to make them all leave.  The house was occupied by mourners and the complete inability to consider, let alone believe, the miracle of resurrection.  Jesus commands life to return to the girl and commands she be fed.

One more Biblical example and I’ll ‘close’:  Jesus and company were told Lazarus was in critical condition.  His disciples thought it urgent enough to hurry Jesus along.  Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, knew Jesus would come.  But ‘He ain’t here yet’.  Lazarus’ condition deteriorated.  Jesus did not ‘hurry’.  Those who knew. Loved and trusted Jesus were anticipating Him to arrive any time – but ‘He ain’t here yet’.  Finally, Jesus reveals to the disciples Lazarus had died.  I’m sure the disciples thought their journey to Lazarus home would be to console those grieving.

After being entombed four days (‘by now he stinketh’) Jesus finally shows up.  Both Mary and Martha were emotionallh conflicted.  They were comforted by His presence, but both expressed their deep feeling to Him ‘If only You had been here’.  Jesus’, reply shook them to their core.  Jesus spoke of ‘resurrection’.  They were undoubtedly aware Jesus had raised others from death, but this death business is so universal – so final.  They didn’t want to take responsibility for believing God for such a miracle.  It seemed foolish.  It made Jesus look foolish.  They had some real difficulty with appearing foolish themselves.  ‘If only You had been here.  We know about resurrection – in the last days’.

Now I don’t know about you but the matter of ME affecting someone dead coming back to life – you know, ‘raising the dead’, is frightening.  The very fact that Jesus made the claim that believers indwelt by His Spirit would do even greater works than He did puts me and my faith in a position I am not remotely comfortable with.  Yet, He never lies.  And He did not lie with His response.  I can’t tell you for certain, but I see in my mind’s eye Jesus locking eyes with first one, then the other and making this statement to them: “I AM THE RESURRECTION!”  He then proceeded to the tomb and called Lazarus to come out.  Those in attendance were told to remove the grave clothes from this walking, breathing ‘corpse’.

But He ain’t here yet.  If only You had been here.  I AM HERE!  My beloved sibling in Christ our elder brother, the Firstborn of many brethren, will return.  He is waiting, as are we, for God the Father to make the command, give the gesture, assume the posture of complete readiness and He will show up.  While earth’s inhabitants languish in the throes of terminal illness, that sin nature that brings with it death, we wait and say ‘But, He ain’t here yet!’  I’m going to admit that His coming and our eager anticipation of His coming again is, in part, a desire to escape what will be happening up to the point He comes in the air and summons His bride to Him.  It does not diminish the fact of His return even a little.  He IS coming and we SHALL meet Him in the air, but His full return will be with us – born-again believers – at His side.

Just a word to those who accuse us of a desire to escape: Isn’t our very salvation our escape from bondage – spiritual tyranny – and living absent the presence and blessings of a relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?  But don’t get me wrong.  Being eager for the return of Christ does not mean His Church will not suffer persecution.  It only means we shall be set aside – taken up – during the time He deals with those who persecuted His bride whom He lived, died and rose from the dead to develop.  All that we go through between now and then is a part of the many processes He utilizes so that His Father can present to Him His bride with no spot, with no wrinkle and with wholehearted devotion.

One more truth about our ‘escape’.  God never has, nor will He ever bring us out of defeat without transferring us to victory.  We do not escape pain.  We enter into joy.  We do not escape discomfort, but we are delivered into His comforting presence.  We do not escape darkness, but we are set over into the light.  We do not escape death, but we are born-again with eternal life.

I get this sense that He is on His way.  As He makes His way (makes preparation) for His return it is as though He turns with a loving smile and says to a world estranged from God: “You comin’?”


Basic faith:

Faith is the activity and exercise of focusing on an object.  Biblical faith is that same activity with God’s Word as the object resulting in trust and reliance (faith) in, and on, God.


The initial step of faith – Biblical faith – must, of necessity, be a communication.  It is always a ‘revelation’.  While the written ‘Word’ of God is declarative, definitive and eternal it does not embed itself into our belief system absent His Holy Spirit revealing His Word as truth to our spirit.   Our reception of this ‘revelation’ from God manifests itself first in grabbing our attention.

It is at this point we must realize faith’s most basic elements: ONE – our FOCUS;

TWO – the OBJECT of our focus; and

THREE – the obedient EXPRESSION of our faith.

The reality of faith is that we feed our belief system by this exercise we recognize as ‘focus’.  But we must consider the source of the ‘pollution’ in our belief system.  We can find a huge hint in Paul’s letter to the Roman Church: 12:1-2 from the Classic Amplified Version of the Bible:

“ I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].”

You will notice Paul makes an appeal to the Church in Rome to make of themselves a sacrifice of their lives and that he considers such an offering to be wholly reasonable.  He also considers this lifestyle to be the epitome of ‘intelligent worship’.  And for this sacrificial lifestyle to commence and be maintained it is absolutely necessary to allow God’s Word to be confrontational with our belief system.  There must occur a ‘renewing of the mind’ for this to be an ongoing reality in our lives.

Consider all the influences that has converged into the development of the things you believe – as well as the things you and I profess to believe.  And if you wish to assess what you truly believe against what you profess to believe begin to observe how you react to the varied stimuli encountered in life.  Go back in your memory and recall your reaction when someone close to you betrayed you.  Allow the emotions of being on the receiving end of ridicule or shame at the hands of someone you trusted – or someone whose authority you had to recognize.  You may easily subscribe to Jesus’ teaching about turning the other cheek until it is your turn to be slapped.  We might easily subscribe to the exhortation and invitation of the prophet Malachi to ‘prove Me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts….’ when our earnings were only $100.00 and all we needed to ‘prove Him’ with was $10.00.  But when the windfall comes and that 10% amounts to thousands of dollars it becomes a test of faith.  What we DO in such times exposes our belief system.  What we do, how we react, our immediate responses are those things that we really believe is the right course of action.  In times of our failure, we may well ask ourselves ‘WHAT HAPPENED?!?!’

This is a great place to start using our powers of observation to consider the things, the people, the attitudes and aptitudes of our focus.  Here is the truth about faith:  THE OBJECT of our focus will result in where we place our faith.  If we focused on an offense and grit our teeth and do the very best we can to get through that offensive period of life, then gritting our teeth and doing our very best becomes our default response to similar situations that occur.  Our determination and perseverance become our coping mechanisms.  IF ON THE OTHER HAND we find ourselves in a really tight spot and in fear and trembling cast our cares on God and depend on HIM and HIS resources to come to our aid AND to be developed in us to persevere in our trust in Him to manifest in victory we shall have RENEWED our mind from old ways of ‘coping’ with life’s challenges.  What makes the difference?  The difference is we discipline our attention to tend to God’s Word.  When we do, we will have replaced our faith in objects that fail us to the ultimate object WHO never fails us.

There is one more life function we must monitor so that we may diagnose the validity of our progress – the reality of renewal.  Listen to what you SAY about what challenges you and your well-being.  Does your speech align with what you are hearing the Word of God say?  Does it expose your/my attention on HIM and HIS WORD or is it exposing an old, corrupt belief that needs renewing?  In just short order we will begin to hear what our mind wants to speak and if we have been attentive to God’s Word, we will overrule any corrupt beliefs and command our mouth to speak what is consistent with what God speaks.



Spirit Quarantine

Quarantine – Reality twist:

            This word ‘quarantine’ has been used extensively in the past few years.  A great deal of controversy arose over this word and the issues of masks, vaccines, rules for hand washing and a new term – social distancing.  It is my view the virus constructed by scientists in a lab in China was destined to be misused as a change agent in the earth.  Conspiracy theories abound but the one to which I most readily subscribe is verbalized in a quote of Jesus found in the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 10: “The thief comes not but for to steal, kill and destroy but I am come that you might have LIFE and that more abundantly.”  But there are factors involving ‘quarantine’ I have yet to see discussed in any public forum.  Since I have a propensity for hearing what is not being said let me be the one to break its silence around a particular aspect of ‘quarantine’.

Take a look with me at the Apostle Paul’s first book to the Church at Corinth, Chapter 6 verses 16 thru 18: 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”  The Holy Spirit of God moves Paul to exhort this Church to ‘quarantine’ themselves by separating themselves from the presence, the influence and the contamination of idols.  And, for those who do not know, idols are those things we objectify which drain us of trust and reliance on God.  Subsequently, in his 2nd letter to this Church, Paul reveals an enormous principle suggesting God has effected a quarantine in us by His cleansing processes: 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Many of those of us who are believers in Christ have yet to understand that this NEW nature is separated – ‘quarantined’ – from sin.  When we sin, it is the product of the old nature and from a belief system (mindset) in the process of being renewed.  Our true identity is in this NEW creation – NEW nature created in us by God through Christ.  There is a prescribed way believers are to walk, live and have our being within the context of this ‘quarantine’.  Books are written about this ‘prescriptive’ lifestyle, but I will summarize it in just a couple of quotations from the Gospel of John, the first being 6:28-29, the second being 8:51:

FIRST: My paraphrase of John 6:29 ‘YOU JUST HAVE ONE JOB’

28 & 29 “28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?  29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” 

8:51 “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.”

Within the framework of these quotations, we have the essence of the boundaries of our quarantine.  It quite simply is the matter of operating (living) life according to what we hear from the Spirit of Christ within us.  We got this ONE JOB.  Doing anything else results in ‘death’.

THIS is a ‘quarantine’ we can LIVE with!



Wokeism, it’s nothing new

Since the fall of man (you know, that ‘garden incident?) the quest for INDEPENDENT dominion over the earth has been the baseline sin of humanity.  Our lust to be THE ONE in charge of us and all around us lay at the root of all social ills both then and as we know them today.  Individual humans crave ‘righteousness’ based on our own parameters of what is ‘right’ for us (me) regardless of what God has told us.